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IE Summer Practice Assessment Guideline

Assessment is based on the following criteria:

  • Student Evaluation by Company Supervisor (SE)
  • IE399/IE499 Summer Training Report (STR)
  • Format and Style of the Report (FSR)
  • Oral Presentation (OP)
  • ENG 399/499 Component


Students who receive at least a score of 3 from each of Questions 1.a, 1.b, and 1.c of SE complete their summer training successfully. Students who fail to do so are considered as “Unsuccessful by SE” and receive F letter grade at the end of the semester. Such students are not required to submit a report or make oral presentations. Students who are “Successful by SE” are eligible to submit their summer training report and make an oral presentation of their summer training experience.

Students will receive 20% of their grade based on their ENG 399/499 performances. The remaining 80% of their grade (i.e. department grade) will be determined by the faculty members at the Department of Industrial Engineering.

The department grade for a student will be set based on the evaluation of STR and OP. STR and OP are marked out of 100 according to the pre-specified guidelines 70% of the STR grade and 30% of the OP grade constitute the department grade. STR of each student will also be evaluated based on its format and style. A student who fails to receive at least 3 points from the format and style rubric are considered as “Unsuccessful by FSR” and receives F letter grade regardless of the grade that s/he receives from STR and OP.

Letter Grades

Students who are Unsuccessful by SE or FSR receive F letter grade. The following rubric applies to all "Successful” students:

Overall End-of-Semester Grade Letter Received
0 – 49 F
50 – 59 DD
60 – 69 DC
70 – 74 CC
75 – 79 CB
80 - 84 BB
85 – 89 BA
90 – 100 AA


FSR Rubric

Format and Style

Format and Organization: There is a cover page and abstract; report is within the page limit; pages are numbered; margins and alignments conform to the template provided; sections are divided and headings are clearly marked; appendices are numbered and are at the end; references are cited and listed as prescribed by the template.
Language: There are no grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors; proper technical terminology is used; report is written with a formal language.

5 – Excellent

Format and Organization: There is a cover page and abstract; report is within the page limit; pages are numbered; sections are divided and headings are clearly marked. Margins and alignments do not conform to the template provided but are still at acceptable standards and/or appendices are not numbered or not at the end and/or references are not cited and listed as prescribed by the template.
Language: There are slight grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. Proper technical terminology is used; report is written with a formal language.

4 – Good

Format and Organization: There is a cover page and abstract; sections are divided and headings are clearly marked; report is within the page limit. Pages are not numbered and/or margins and alignments do not conform to the template provided but are still at acceptable standards and/or appendices are not numbered or not at the end and/or references are not cited and listed as prescribed by the template.
Language: There are slight grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. Use of technical terminology is not excellent but is at acceptable standards; report is mostly written with a formal language but is still at acceptable standards.

3 – Mediocre

Format and Organization: There is a cover page and abstract; report is within the page limit. Sections are not divided and headings are not clearly marked and/or pages are not numbered and/or margins and alignments do not conform to the template provided but are still at acceptable standards and/or appendices are not numbered or not at the end and/or references are not cited and listed as prescribed by the template.
Language: There are several grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. Use of technical terminology is poor; report is mostly written with a formal language but is still at acceptable standards.

2 – Poor

Format and Organization: There is not a cover page and abstract; report is not within the page limit; pages are not numbered; margins and alignments do not conform to the template provided; sections are not divided and headings are not clearly marked; appendices are not numbered and are not at the end; references are not cited and listed as prescribed by the template.
Language: Report is full of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors; proper technical terminology is not used; report is written with an informal language.

1 – Very Poor

OP: (100 Points)

Each student is required to present his/her report in front of an audience in 10 minutes. Grading is solely based on the effectiveness and clarity of the oral presentation.