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Teaching and Learning

In line with the educational philosophy of TED University, the Department of Industrial Engineering employs new learning/teaching techniques and methodologies to educate industrial engineers who are able to

  • Apply the complex knowledge of mathematics, science, basic engineering, computing, and Industrial Engineering; in solving complex engineering problems;
  • Identify, formulate, and analyze complex engineering problems using fundamental knowledge of science, mathematics, and engineering, and considering the UN Sustainable Development Goals relevant to the problem at hand;
  • Design creative solutions to complex engineering problems; design complex systems, processes, devices, or products to meet current and future requirements within realistic constraints and conditions;
  • Select and use appropriate techniques, including estimation and modeling, resources, and modern engineering and information technology tools for the analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, while recognizing their limitations;
  • Use research methods, including literature search, designing and conducting experiments, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting results, to investigate complex engineering problems;
  • Understand the impact of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability, and environment in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals; understand the legal implications of engineering solutions;
  • Act by the principles of the engineering profession, have an understanding of ethical responsibility; the importance of acting impartially, without discrimination in any matter, and being inclusive of diversity;
  • Work effectively as an individual and as a team member or leader in disciplinary and multidisciplinary teams (face-to-face, distance, or hybrid);
  • Communicate effectively on technical issues orally and in writing, taking into account various differences of the target audience (such as education, language, and profession);
  • Understand business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis; have an awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation;
  • Learn independently and continuously, to adapt to new and emerging technologies, and to think questioningly about technological changes.

To accomplish these objectives, the undergraduate program in Industrial Engineering at TED University, is designed based on a concept of liberal education as an integrative educational program. Unlike most other programs, our program offers student-centered education that allows its students to develop a professional expertise in line with their individual preferences. It is our ultimate goal to educate versatile and open minded industrial engineers with wider horizons. We encourage a strong student-faculty interaction through which faculty members can better perceive different learning styles and academic development goals of their students, and develop innovative teaching methods to help address these differences. In doing so, they primarily focus on students’ ability to internalize and use knowledge. Within this framework, each faculty member acts as a learning coach rather than a teacher, to facilitate students’ self-development in a process of active learning, supported by modern education techniques and technological resources.